Optimizing Resource Management for Drupal Sites on Platform.sh

Managing resources effectively is crucial for ensuring the optimal performance and stability of Drupal websites hosted on Platform.sh. Efficient resource allocation can significantly enhance website speed, stability, and overall user experience. This guide will walk you through the process of optimizing resource management on Platform.sh, covering key configurations and best practices to ensure your Drupal site runs smoothly. As a Platform.sh partner, ParallelDevs provides expert guidance and support for optimizing your Drupal website's performance.

Locating Resource Configuration

Resource allocation for a Platform.sh site is defined in the .platform.app.yaml file located at the root of your project. This file contains configurations that determine how much memory and other resources your application can utilize.

Memory Allocation for the Application

To adjust your application's memory allocation, you must modify the base_memory and memory_ratio variables in the .platform.app.yaml file according to your website’s requirements.

The memory allocation calculation is as follows:

memory = base_memory + (memory_ratio * CPU)

Where CPU size is determined by your project’s plan. The CPU sizes are defined as follows:

  • XS: 0.25
  • S: 0.5
  • M: 1
  • L: 2
  • XL: 4
  • 2XL: 8

For example, if your project is currently sized as 2XL, the total memory allocation would be calculated as:

total memory = base_memory + (memory_ratio * 8)

Adjusting PHP Memory Limit

Additionally, you can set a memory limit specifically for PHP within the same .platform.app.yaml file. This limit should be lower than the total memory allocated for your application to prevent frequent issues and inappropriate behaviors.

The default memory limit for PHP is 128M. To modify it, add the following code snippet to your .platform.app.yaml file:

    memory_limit: "3072M"

Ensure that the specified memory_limit for PHP is less than the memory allocated for the application.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and allocate resources for your Platform.sh websites, ensuring optimal performance and stability.


Efficient resource allocation is fundamental to maintaining the performance and stability of your Drupal websites hosted on Platform.sh. By understanding how to manage memory allocation and PHP limits, you can optimize your site's performance while avoiding potential issues that may arise from inadequate resource allocation.

In conclusion, proper resource allocation is key to maximizing the efficiency and reliability of your websites on Platform.sh. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide and staying vigilant in monitoring and adjusting resource allocations as needed, you can maintain optimal performance and provide a seamless experience for your users.